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Emily Jones

Did the Pandemic Impact Carbon Emissions?

It is no secret that 2020 has been full of changes, on both a local and global scale. One of the most notable being the worldwide pandemic that has impacted not only the economy but elections, families, restaurants and businesses all over the world. But did the pandemic have any impact on climate change, more specifically the amount of carbon being emitted? According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide). This is primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels to power and fuel cars, ships, trains, and planes.

Last year, in the beginning of March, when the lockdown and stay-at home orders were first enforced, travel was at an all time low. Less cars were on the roads, public transportation was limited, and airplanes stayed on the ground. The Rhodium Group reported that the United States’ greenhouse gas and carbon emissions dropped by a total of 10%. But this didn’t last long. By the end of the year, people were already back to their traditional traveling ways consisting of long commutes and flying from place to place.

So the simple answer to this question is yes, the pandemic did affect and decrease carbon emissions, but this is only temporary. This problem isn't gone nor fixed, it has just slowed down. Carbon emission will continue to increase even after the small reduction of emissions as the demand for fuel will go back to normal pre-pandemic conditions.

How can we help?

We need to start taking actions to contribute to long lasting changes if we want to preserve our climate and environment for future generations before it’s too late. We as a community can start looking to rely on more renewable energy resources and incorporate it more into our daily lives. Take solar and wind power for example. Renewable energy sources that don't emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We need to start prioritizing environmental sustainability over convenience when it comes to our technology.

Some ways we can do this is by investing in electric cars, public transportation, and making conscious political choices when it comes to electing candidates that will advocate for this cause. It is important that everyone does their part in protecting the community. The best thing you can do is to use your voice to spread awareness and to start taking actions and decisions that will help our cause. No action is too small!!


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